My Mission
Capturing beautiful moments , memories for years to come
I’m born in Germany, more accurate in NEANDERTHAL. I’m able to shape tools from flintstone! To find an apprentice place matching those skills did not happen, so, stone related, I became goldsmith/jeweller, gained a master degree, extended skills as a stone setter and did a degree as diamond grader. Making Jewellery, at Paspaley Pearls, is my main job and I do love making jewellery with Pearls, Diamonds and other precious stones.
Photography was and is together with other art forms for a long time existing in my family. Sculpturing goes back to 1500 aD . I learned photography from my dad, he got me interested, since then I’m addicted, fascinated… never ending fun…
I tried with landscapes, but my friends liked more the portrait work I did. With the birth of my son Philip the photoworld turned for me total in babies, children…
Assisting the wedding photography work of my friend Helmut gave me more ideas and knowledge about posing, composition …
Who thought at that time that I will move to Australia and do photos of people, markets, events and weddings, live was and is good to me. The Bali spiritual people say I’m blessed with sun
I acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we happy live, learn and work.
I pay my respects to the Larrakia, or Saltwater, Elders and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.